OCIT-O V2.0 Test Suite MAT
The "OCIT-O V2 Test Suite MAT" enables the construction of a test tool for the automatic testing of traffic signal controllers with the OCIT-O V2.0 interface.
Prerequisite for the development of a test tool are the test suite and experience in JAVA and TestNG. With the test tool can be assessed in a short time and with no further user intervention if a minimum required functionality is in place and functioning (Minimal Acceptance Test).
In the current state of development of the ODG test suite, the minimum acceptance test will be performed. Fully automatically running tests are executed to ensure the basic functions of the device in accordance with the OCIT-O standard. The MAT is a subset of the total tests, specified in specifications 1 to 11.
A traffic signal controller wich has all tests correctly completed, fulfills the requirements for interoperability tests with central facilities of other companies, based on the document "Funktionsnachweise an zentralen Einrichtungen" (see below).
Functional demonstration of the installation
The document "Funktionsnachweise an zentralen Einrichtungen" describes tests of traffic controllers with OCIT-Outstation interface version 2.0 at central components.
The test procedure is suitable for integration and interoperability tests. With integration tests the traffic controllers are tested at central components of the customer. With interoperability tests the traffic controllers are tested at central components of a system supplier, wich makes these available for test purposes.
Tested are the interface functions of the traffic controllers and their effects in the central components. Only functions are tested, which are testable with usually available serving and indicator functions in central components.
Some tests dependents on the configuration of the traffic controllers, e.g. the kind of the communication profile or the used detectors. The central equipment must be able to supply data to the OCIT-O traffic signal controllers V2.0.
The ODG V2 Tracer is used to record the BTPPL telegrams of traffic signal controllers with OCIT-O V1.1 and 2.0 protocol.
Purpose is the logging and examination of BTPPL communication between trafic controllers and control center. The evaluation and examination can take place online (i.e. over the direct connection to trafic controller or a central communication device) or offline (i.e. over a trace file stored before). The seized data can be filtered according to numerous criteria. An export of the trace into several output formats is likewise possible.